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Financial Aid

Better Jobs Ontario (formerly Second Career)

Better Jobs Ontario (formerly known as the Second Career program) is a government-funded program in Ontario, Canada, designed to help unemployed and underemployed individuals retrain for in-demand jobs in the province. The program provides financial support for education and training to help participants gain new skills and secure sustainable employment.

How You Qualify for Better Jobs Ontario

● The program targets those who are unemployed, laid-off, or working in a precarious job (e.g., part-time or temporary employment).

● It also considers individuals from groups facing employment barriers, such as older workers, newcomers, and those with disabilities.

As a start, you qualify for Better Jobs Ontario if:

● You have been laid-off and have not been working or are working a temporary job just to cover costs OR

● you are from a low-income household and have not been laid-off but have been unemployed for six months or longer experiencing challenges attaching to the labour market.

● you are a resident of Ontario; and

● you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident or a convention refugee claimant who meets the requirements.

● you can demonstrate that there is a demand in the labour market for the occupation you want training in and evidence that there are good employment prospects locally or within Ontario

You can still apply if you receive either:

● Employment Insurance (EI)

● Ontario Works (OW)

● Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

Preparing Your Application

● When preparing your application, you are required to show:

● how long you have been unemployed, or have been working your temporary job, and looking for work

● places you have applied and positions you have applied for (for example cover letters, CV/resume and responses from potential employers)

● level of education you have obtained

● previous employment, how long you worked there, and skills that were required

● what skills and knowledge you want to obtain and where you can get trained in them

Fast Track – Laid-Off Due to COVID-19

● You may qualify for the Better Jobs Ontario Fast Track program if:

● you were laid-off since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic (laid-off on or after March 1, 2020)

● you have a high school education or less or laid-off from an occupation requiring high school education or less

● you were laid-off from occupations hardest hit by COVID-19 such as hospitality and food services, transportation and warehousing or wholesale and retail trade

● you are seeking training for occupations in demand in local communities or provincial priority areas, which are: Information and Communication Technology, Life Sciences, Advanced Manufacturing and Supportive Health Services

Financial Support

● You may qualify for up to $28,000.00 for costs including:

● Tuition

● Books

● Other instructional costs, including student fees, supplies and electronic devices

● Transportation

● Basic living allowance (up to $500 per week)

Additional funding may be available for:

● Child care

● Living away from home

● Disability related supports

● Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) and/or language training

Training Programs:

● The funding is typically directed towards short-term training programs (usually under one year) that align with current labor market needs. These programs can be in fields such as healthcare, technology, skilled trades, and more.

Length of training programs

● Better Jobs Ontario aims to help you rejoin the workforce quickly. That’s why the program focuses on training programs that take 52 weeks or less to complete, including micro-credential programs.

Support Services:

● In addition to financial assistance, participants may receive career counseling, job search assistance, and other support services to help them transition into their new career.

Better Jobs Ontario aims to help Ontarians transition into more stable and higher-paying jobs, especially in sectors with strong demand for skilled workers

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Ontario Work (OW)

If you are receiving social assistance (Ontario works), you may be eligible for being paid with training costs through Individual Services and Supports (ISS)

What courses the criteria?

Courses or programs of study must:

● Last 8 months or less
● Cost no more than $10,000
● Not be eligible for OSAP funding

Job-Specific Skills Training

The goal of ISS is to help you get the training you need to become employed in specific industry, such as pharma-medical related industry.

Want to have more information? Call to see what we can help!
Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
ODSP – Income Supports

If you are receiving Ontario Disability Support Program Income Support, the Employment and Training Start Up Benefit can help pay for items you and your family need to start:

● a training program
● a new full-time or part-time job
● your own business
● an approved employment activity, such as a job search.

ODSP – Employment Supports
What is ODSP Employment Supports?

It’s for people with disabilities who are able to work and want help to find a job.
ODSP – Employment Supports can help you even if you have never worked before, have been out of work for some time, or are in school.
Once you start working, you can also get assistance to keep your job or to advance your career.

Who is Eligible for ODSP Employment Supports?

To be eligible for ODSP Employment Supports, you must

● be 16 years of age or older
● be a resident of Ontario
● be able to work in Canada
● have a disability that is expected to last a year or more, and
● have a disability that makes it hard for you to find or keep a job.

Want to have more information? Call to see what we can help!
The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers

The Targeted Initiative for Older Workers is jointly funded by the governments of Canada and Ontario, it will help unemployed older workers increase their ability to find and keep a job whiles the local economy changes.

Financial Aid Available to Those Who Quality:

● aged 55 to 64
● unemployed
● legally entitled to work in Canada
● lack skills needed to find a new job, and
● live in a vulnerable community – one with high unemployment, largely dependent on a single employer or industry and has a population of 250,000 or less

Want to get more infomation? See what we can help!
Youth Employment Fund program

The Ontario Government is assisting youth with employment opportunities through the Youth Employment Fund (YEF).

Financial Supports are also available for eligible youth to cover costs like transportation, clothing or tools required for the job.

You may be eligible if you are:

● Between 15 and 29 years of age
● Unemployed
● Not attending school full-time
● A resident of Ontario.

Want to get more infomation? See what we can help!
RESP (Educational Assistance Payments)

The RESP is a tax-sheltered education savings account that can help you, your family, or friends save for a child’s education after high school. It is also registered by the Government of Canada.

How to withdraw funds from your RESP?

Once the child (the RESP beneficiary) has graduated from high school and enrolled full-time or part-time in a qualifying post-secondary educational program, you can request, on his or her behalf, to withdraw money from the RESP to help pay for their studies.

When you withdraw government payments or interest earned from an RESP account, that money is called an Educational Assistance Payment. Educational Assistance Payments include the interest earned in the RESP as well as any Canada Education Savings Grants, provincial grants and Canada Learning Bonds received. You can use this money to pay for post-secondary school expenses like tuition, books and transportation.

Want to get more information? See what we can help!

Canadian SciTech College